Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower. In Mexico (its original birthplace), the poinsettia is known as the "Flower of the Holy Night".
    Louis Prang, a Bavarian-born lithographer who came to the USA from Germany in the 19th century, popularized the sending of printed Christmas cards. He invented a way of reproducing color oil paintings
    , the "chromolithograph technique", and created a car
    In 1999, residents of the state of Maine in America built the world's biggest ever snowman. He stood at 113ft tall.
    Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.
    Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895.
    The "Urn of Fate" is part of the Christmas celebrations in many Italian households. The Urn of Fate is brought out on Christmas Eve. It holds a wrapped present for everyone. The mother tries her luck first, then the others in turn. If you get a present wi
    Carols began as an old English custom called wassailing, toasting neighbours to a long life.