Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895.
    Many theologians estimate that Jesus wasn't born on December 25 but sometime in September between 6BC and 30AD.
    The Queen's Christmas speech was first televised in 1957.
    Nearly 60 million Christmas trees are grown each year in Europe.
    The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass." There is no set date for his birth in scripture and it wasn't celebrated on any particular day. However Christmas was first celebrated on the 25th of December in Rome in 336AD with an aim t
    Carols began as an old English custom called wassailing, toasting neighbours to a long life.
    Robins on cards were a joke 150 years ago when postmen wore red tunics and were named after them.