Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    Carols began as an old English custom called wassailing, toasting neighbours to a long life.
    7.6 million Christmas trees are sold each year.
    In Sweden, a common Christmas decoration is the Julbukk, a small figurine of a goat. It is usually made of straw. Scandinavian Christmas festivities feature a variety of straw decorations in the form of stars, angels, hearts and other shapes, as well as t
    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was invented for a US firm's Christmas promotion in 1938.
    Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.
    In many households, part of the fun of eating Christmas pudding is finding a trinket that predicts your fortune for the coming year. For instance, finding a coin means you will become wealthy. A ring means you will get married; while a button predicts bac
    There are 13 Santas in Iceland, each leaving a gift for children. They come down from the mountain one by one, starting on December 12 and have names like Spoon Licker, Door Sniffer and Meat Hook.