Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    7.6 million Christmas trees are sold each year.
    The "Urn of Fate" is part of the Christmas celebrations in many Italian households. The Urn of Fate is brought out on Christmas Eve. It holds a wrapped present for everyone. The mother tries her luck first, then the others in turn. If you get a present wi
    Robins on cards were a joke 150 years ago when postmen wore red tunics and were named after them.
    In 1999, residents of the state of Maine in America built the world's biggest ever snowman. He stood at 113ft tall.
    The first Christmas card was designed in 1843 by J.C. Horsley.
    In Sweden, a common Christmas decoration is the Julbukk, a small figurine of a goat. It is usually made of straw. Scandinavian Christmas festivities feature a variety of straw decorations in the form of stars, angels, hearts and other shapes, as well as t
    In many households, part of the fun of eating Christmas pudding is finding a trinket that predicts your fortune for the coming year. For instance, finding a coin means you will become wealthy. A ring means you will get married; while a button predicts bac
    Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.