Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    There are 13 Santas in Iceland, each leaving a gift for children. They come down from the mountain one by one, starting on December 12 and have names like Spoon Licker, Door Sniffer and Meat Hook.
    US scientists calculated that Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world's presents on Christmas Eve, travelling at 650 miles a second.
    Robins on cards were a joke 150 years ago when postmen wore red tunics and were named after them.
    The "Urn of Fate" is part of the Christmas celebrations in many Italian households. The Urn of Fate is brought out on Christmas Eve. It holds a wrapped present for everyone. The mother tries her luck first, then the others in turn. If you get a present wi
    Although now mostly vegetarian, in Victorian times, mince pies were made with beef and spices.