Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    The sun sets on 24 December at 3.55pm in the UK, and rises the following morning at 8.05am.
    There are 13 Santas in Iceland, each leaving a gift for children. They come down from the mountain one by one, starting on December 12 and have names like Spoon Licker, Door Sniffer and Meat Hook.
    The abbreviation Xmas isn't irreligious. The letter X is a Greek abbreviation for Christ.
    Christmas trees become popular in the UK from 1841 when Prince Albert erected a tree in Windsor Castle following a German tradition. Fir trees have been decorated at Christmas time in Germany since the 8th century.
    Popular belief holds that 3 wise men visited Bethlehem from the east bearing gifts. However there is no mention in the bible about the number of wise men who visited. Three gifts were brought - gold, frankincense and myrrh, but names commonly attributed t
    The Queen's Christmas speech was first televised in 1957.