Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    In 1999, residents of the state of Maine in America built the world's biggest ever snowman. He stood at 113ft tall.
    Nearly 60 million Christmas trees are grown each year in Europe.
    At Christmas, it is traditional to exchange kisses beneath the mistletoe tree. In ancient Scandinavia, mistletoe was associated with peace and friendship. That may account for the custom of "kissing beneath the mistletoe".
    Frumenty was a spiced porridge, enjoyed by both rich and poor. It was a forerunner of modern Christmas puddings. It is linked in legend to the Celtic god Dagda, who stirred a porridge made up of all the good things of the earth.
    Carols began as an old English custom called wassailing, toasting neighbours to a long life.
    Many theologians estimate that Jesus wasn't born on December 25 but sometime in September between 6BC and 30AD.
    The definition of a white Christmas in the UK is for a single snow flake (perhaps amongst a shower of mixed rain and snow) to be observed falling in the 24 hours of December 25th.