Hello Kitty Hospital

    Taiwan's Hello Kitty Maternity Hospital

    There's a Hello Kitty-themed hospital in Taiwan.

    It wouldn't be much of a surprise to hear a person who had been asked to name one thing associated with Japan, respond with "Hello Kitty".

    The cute white cat that adorns a pink bow, 2 dimple eyes, and a set of whiskers, is a huge brand in Asia. So big, it seems, that one maternity hospital in Taiwan has adopted it as their main theme.

    Hau Sheng Hospital in Yuanlin, Taiwan, has 30 beds and aims to take the stress away from hospital-based childbirth.

    Instead of the standard (and perhaps unnerving) clinical look that traditional hospitals have, Hau Sheng Hospital showcases a sparkling modern layout that's filled with cute, friendly Hello Kitty blankets, cots, staff uniforms, and even birth certificates. Every possible aspect is Hello Kitty-themed.

    At the entrance to greet the hospital's new arrivals is a giant Hello Kitty statue that's dressed in a doctor's outfit. The walls have numerous Hello Kitty posters and the elevator is coated in a pretty pink.

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