Language and Words Facts

    Random Language and Words Facts

    There are 68 Language and Words Facts!

    The words ‘racecar,’ ‘kayak’ and ‘level’ are the same whether
    they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes).
    The distress code 'Mayday' comes from the French for help me, M'Aide!
    The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
    There are around 41,806 different spoken languages in the world today.
    Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering.
    The word 'Indiana' is Native American for 'Land of the Indians', yet less than 16,000 Native Americans live there.