The chocobo in Final Fantasy was based on a real creature called a “Gastornis” that existed 45 million years ago.
Surgeons who grew up playing video games make 37 percent fewer mistakes.
As of 2011, gamers have collectively spent over 6 million years playing World of Warcraft. That's almost as long as the existence of the human species!
The four ghosts in Pac-Man are programmed to act differently: red chases you, pink just tries to position itself in a set way, blue tries to ambush you and orange is random.
The longest Monopoly game in history lasted 70 straight days.
In response to the moral panic surrounding violent video games, Penn & Teller released “Desert Bus,” for the Sega Cd. In the game you drive a bus from Tuscon to Las Vegas in a straight line for 8 hours.
In 2012, a Chinese gamer's father was so concerned about his son's habit, he hired virtual hitmen to kill off his avatar.
In 2013, Candy Crush made $850,000 per day!