In the US, it is legal for women to be publicly topless in 33 states. Male toplessness became legal in 1936.
Oral sex was illegal in 18 states under old sodomy law until 2003 when they were invalidated.
Anthony Greco, aged 18, became the first person arrested for spim (unsolicited instant messages) on February 21,2005.
In Kentucky, US, every citizen is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.
In 1970, Richard Nixon signed the Controlled Substance Act into law, making DMT and many other substances illegal. However, DMT is produced naturally by the body, and found in a multitude of human bodily fluids and tissues. Essentially, this makes all humans illegal.
There’s a law in Canada called the “Apology Act” which prevents parties from using an apology as a statement of fault in court.
In the Bemba tribe of southern Africa, if someone does something hurtful, they take the person to the center of the town where the entire tribe comes and surrounds them. For two days they tell him every good thing he has ever done, because they believe that every person comes into the world as good.
In downtown Churchill, Manitoba, it's illegal to lock your car doors in case someone needs to escape from a polar bear.