Random Romance Facts

    30 facts tagged with Romance Facts

    When someone looks at a new love, the neural circuits that are usually associated with social judgment are suppressed.
    People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)
    Approximately 141 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged worldwide every year.
    Twenty nine percent of women spend more time shopping for shoes than they do looking for a life long mate.
    In medieval Italy, if a man was caught kissing a woman in public, he had to marry her whether he liked it or not.
    'X' became symbolic for a kiss because in the middle ages when alot of people were illiterate and they used to sign documents with an X and then kiss it for sincerity.
    It's possible to die from a broken heart; it's called Stress Cardiomyopathy.