Today in History

    What happened on the 27th of July in history?

    Change Date:

    • 1501
      Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
    • 1689
      Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie.
    • 1694
      Bank of England is chartered.
    • 1836
      Adelaide South Australia founded.
    • 1866
      Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1 686 miles long)
    • 1940
      Billboard magazine starts publishing bestseller charts.
    • 1947
      Yogi Berri starts record 148 game errorless streak
    • 1953
      Korean War ends
    • 1955
      Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation.
    • 1962
      Mariner 2 launched to venus; flyby mission.
    • 1969
      Pioneer 10 Launched.